
“Her extraordinary compositions and arrangements express a broad musical imagination, highly outstanding level and an explosion of art on many different levels."

Photo by Chen Yen An

Photo by YenAn Chen

來自台灣高雄的八年級生,自小喜愛彈琴唱歌、自學創作,畢業於成功大學工業設計系之後,毅然決然轉換跑道專攻爵士樂。 2019年畢業於阿姆斯特丹音樂院,更獲得「透過傑出的作曲編曲技巧傳遞了非常寬廣的音樂想像,兼具成熟的歌唱技巧及爆發性的藝術水準」之好評。

赴荷蘭求學主修爵士演唱的過程中,妍婷獲得歐洲市場更多矚目,2014年於瑞典斯德哥爾摩知名民謠音樂中心舉行首次個人全創作音樂會。 更曾與荷蘭國家音樂廳爵士大樂團(JOC)及荷蘭知名爵士歌手菲·克拉森同台演出,活躍於荷蘭運河藝術節等各大小音樂舞台。 2019年入選全球互聯藝術協會(GAIA)樂團,受邀前往荷蘭知名爵士展演中心Bimhuis及義大利西恩納夏日爵士營演出。

2019年,妍婷發行首張全創作專輯 《葉片之上》,挑戰爵士樂及古典弦樂的跨界編制,一手包辦整張專輯的製作、詞曲及編曲,率跨國爵士樂手多彩演繹,獲得了第十一屆金音創作獎四項提名,其中獲得〈最佳爵士專輯獎〉及〈最佳爵士歌曲獎〉兩項殊榮。 妍婷持續挑戰突破音樂框架,於2020年推出「邊聽邊玩」互動音樂專輯《Off-Score》,透過遊戲的互動性,創造不同的音樂聆聽體驗。同年與波蘭樂手 Mateusz Pulawski 合作發行《蒼鷺十三號》,融合了爵士、新靈魂、搖滾、拉丁等多元風格,以太空科幻為主題,全專輯為一趟33分鐘長、零間隔的宇宙壯遊,獲金音獎〈最佳爵士專輯獎〉。


Photo by Sholar Wang

Photo by Sholar Wang

YenTing Lo is a jazz singer, songwriter, arranger, producer, pianist, flutist and cross-media producer, currently based in Taiwan.

With a foundation of classical piano and flute at a young age, YenTing grew up singing in choirs and playing in school orchestras. Self-taught as a singer-songwriter, YenTing stepped into the world of jazz after she attended the Taipei International Summer Jazz Academy. Since then, her musical adventure has brought her to Tokyo, Stockholm, Amsterdam, Spain, Italy, etc.

Graduated from the Conservatory of Amsterdam, YenTing has lived in the Netherlands for almost 6 years and has moved back to Taiwan since 2021. She’s currently active in all kinds of stages from jazz to pop, from classical to musicals, and has been playing various roles throughout her music career.

In October 2019, YenTing released her first album ‘Epiphyllum’ that contains songs fully written, arranged and produced by herself. Next year, YenTing released ‘The 13th Heron’, an album in collaboration with the Polish guitarist Mateusz Pulawski, in her interest to challenge herself in a different composition style and musical setting with the theme of space travel. Together, ‘Epiphyllum’ and ‘The 13th Heron’ have received several nominations in the Golden Indie Music Awards and have won the Best Jazz Album and the Best Jazz Tune awards.

Aside from her music career, YenTing aims to explore creative possibilities across different media. In addition to directing all of her own music videos, she also has worked in documentary films, indie games and has been working on the Off-Score Project, an interactive music album, since 2018. This project has been co-financed by the Creative Industries Fund NL and Administration for Digital Industries TW, and has showcased in Indie Game events like A.MAZE Berlin and Indie DevDay.

Photo by SzuYi Wang

Photo by SzuYi Wang